Я подарила своим молодоженам лингвотренажер En101 в знак признательности романтической любви основателей. Мои дети заканчивают институт и приобретают специальность-" Культурно- массовые мероприятия и международный туризм"!
Happy Anniversary En101!
Just a quick note to say how much we appreciate all you have done and are doing to further the expansion of En101 around the globe and throughout your communities.
The world has changed a lot over the past 5 years. With so much unemployment, people are realizing the their fate is not up to corporations or governments, but in their own hands. They realize nobody is going to watch out for them - but themselves. They are in need of an opportunity to provide for themselves and their families.
This is where En101 comes in.
Any person can create a substantial income through the power of En101's unique products and En101's powerful commission structure.
So share En101.
Share the fact that we are now in our 6th year.
Share the fact that we have enrollments in over 200 countries.
Share the fact that we are a leader in distance learning languages.
Share the fact that a person can earn a substantial income through our unique business plan.
Don't sell.
To your success - and to another great year!
And, by the way... Happy Valentine's Day!
С Днем Святого Валентина!

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